Focus, Concentration Exercises, Movement Breaks

Movement Game: I'm Packing My Suitcase - With Exercises

The game ‘I'm packing my suitcase’ is a well-known concentration game that can be easily modified: instead of objects, we ‘pack’ various movements.

Movement game: I'm packing my suitcase 

The game ‘I'm packing my suitcase’ is a well-known concentration game that can be easily modified: instead of objects, we ‘pack’ various movements.

The game works like this:
  • The first player says, for example, ‘I'm packing my suitcase and I'm taking a jumping jack with me.’
  • The next player repeats the movement and adds a new one, such as ‘a turn’.
  • The list of movements gets longer and longer as the game passes from one player to the next.

Why is the game motivating for children and young people?
Children and young people find the game particularly fun because they can move around a lot and use their creativity when thinking up new movements. It's also fun to imitate the movements of others and see how long the list can grow!
Promoting concentration in the classroom
The game is not only fun, but also promotes concentration. The children have to listen carefully and remember all the movements. This makes the game a good exercise for improving attention and helps children to concentrate better in other classroom situations as well.

And that makes the game the perfect little break from sitting around and a breath of fresh air. So what are you waiting for? Click your way in right now.