Mental health, wellbeing, routines

5 tips to boost mental health

A quick and simple concept to keep on hand when feelings of worry start creeping in.
 Everyone experiences worry and anxiety from time to time.

Simple Tips to Empower Yourself
We all have the ability to improve both our physical and mental health by choosing habits and thoughts that help us stay healthier and reach our full potential. That’s why self-care guidelines were created – to provide an easy way to understand what you can do on your own to enhance your mental well-being (Mission Mental Health).

Here is a video with 5 tips that show how you can strengthen yourself with simple strategies:

Each of the 5 tips are based on research in mental health and well-being.
If you or someone around you is struggling and the tips aren’t enough, reach out to Health Care.

Sources, Links & Support Material

  1. Youmo (Youth Counseling Center), When You don't feel well
  2. Sweden's Municipalities and Regions (SKR), Joint Action for Mental Health Sweden 
  3. Public Health Agency of Sweden, Mental Health
  4. Mission Mental Health, Delarena Huskurer för psykisk hälsa