Motivation, Movement, Activity, Inspiration

Movement Challange

 Are you up for the movement challenge? 

Introduction & Instructions

Teachers, leaders, and parents, here we present materials designed to inspire children and young people to create their own movement plan based on their individual interests and abilities. We believe that a sustainable relationship with movement begins when each person has the opportunity to explore and discover the type of activity that suits them best.

  1. Read through the instruction PDF below
  2. Download the Movement plan tool (Print a copy for each participant)
  3. Introduce your intended participants

Ready to start the Movement Challenge?

We’re thrilled that you’re ready to get started! 

  • Review the execution –  Review the concept together to make sure everyone is aligned on the approach for tackling the challenge in the best way possible. 
  • Go through the Movement Plan Tool togetherAddress any questions or uncertainties to make sure everyone understands.
  • Set regular check-insSchedule regular check-ins throughout the challenge. Decide on a set time period, such as three weeks, to keep everyone on track.
  • Wrap up with a group reflectionConclude the challenge by discussing experiences and reflections as a group. What thoughts and feelings emerged? Did you learn anything new about yourselves?

Movement plan tool

A pre-made Movement plan for everyone to complete and use.

Let the challenge begin, and enjoy the journey together!

Interested in reading more about recommendations on physical activity and sedentary behavior?

Click on the links below:
  1. Public Health Agency of Sweden, Physical Activity
  2. Public Health Agency of Sweden, Publication: Promote physical activity and limit sedentary behaviour
  3. Generation Pep, About Generation Pep