Rock Your Health Hub.

Learn, experience and live healthy behaviours in a sustainable way.

The Happiness Project


The Health Star

The Health Star is an engaging tool designed to inspire children and young people to explore different aspects of a healthy lifestyle in a fun and interactive way. This workshop tool is perfect for teachers and facilitators looking to promote health awareness in schools or community settings.

5 tips to boost mental health

We can all strengthen both our physical and mental health by choosing habits and thoughts that help us stay healthier and reach our full potential. While it’s well-known that exercise and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables benefit our physical health, it’s less commonly understood how to strengthen our mental health. Our mental health can be seen as the foundation of our well-being and is greatly influenced by our thoughts and emotions, which in shape our choices, behaviors, and self-image.

Freedom & Adventure in Nature

The nature film is an inspiring film that shows how the Right of Public Access grants us the freedom to experience nature. Its purpose is to demonstrate how we can enjoy nature responsibly, with respect for animals, plant life, and other visitors. The film encourages us to take advantage of nature's health benefits while reminding us of the importance of respecting and caring for our surroundings.

Find your Movement

Active Move: An innovative example of how to invite exploring different options for physical activities.

Gut Health

Did you know that your gut has a lot to say in your well-being?

Preparing for a Smooth Back-to-School Transition

As the summer holidays slowly move towards their end, the weather changes aren’t the only thing families have to prepare for.

Access to Good Nutrition and Its Importance for Mental Health

The rise of mental health issues like anxiety & depression is not just something observable in the world of grown-ups.

Yoga for Children - Sun Salutation

In your children's yoga video, children learn to combine movement and mindfulness with the sun salutation: Each pose is used to thank nature for its gifts - from the sun and air to plants and animals. A short, cheerful yoga unit that is ideal for school lessons and raises awareness of gratitude.

The Wall of Gratitude

This 4-6 week project is suitable for students of all ages and for every subject.

Physical Activity and Its Benefits

Stop sitting so much! And while you do, think about the following: In general, most of our biological characteristics can be explained by adaptations of the human body to the features of our external and internal environments.

A short game to promote concentration

The short concentration game is suitable for students of all ages and can be used in any subject.

"Conquer Anxiety, Ace Exams"

It refers to the strategies and techniques used to reduce and control feelings of anxiety and stress that often arise before exams. This can include a variety of approaches. There are several examples which are easy to follow.


Looking for some relaxation and new energy? Join Jil on the journey through the body. Let's go!

Sleep well, live healthier

Dicas para dormir melhor de modo a ter uma vida mais saudável Tips to sleep better to have a healthier life